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Some people that have received a hernia mesh repair have developed one or more internal injuries and health complications. These can include internal infections, pain, mesh detachment and migration, nerve damage, bowel damage, mesh failure including shrinkage, breakage or erosion, perforation of organs, seromas, and adherence to internal tissues. Often times these complications required a second surgery, or more, with little to no relief.

Hernia Mesh Lawsuit

Hernia Mesh Lawsuit

What year was your hernia mesh originally implanted?

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with:

Have you had revision surgery or discussed revision surgery with your doctor in the last 3 years?

Do you currently or have you previously had a lawyer representing your claim?

Please give details about your claim

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Hernia mesh is used to support damaged tissue after hernia surgery to give the patient more mobility and expedite their recovery. Unfortunately, some patients that undergo hernia repair surgery suffer severe complications, often due to the implanted hernia mesh.

There have been numerous hernia mesh recalls over the past 15 years by both the FDA and the manufacturers. Some types of hernia mesh, like Physiomesh and C-Qur mesh, have been linked to damage of the intestines, bowels, and abdomen. These side effects often require additional surgery.


Hernia mesh lawsuit attorneys know any defect in surgical mesh can cause substantial physical and mental harm to the patient. The Food and Drug Administration has issued a public safety notice pertaining to the risks of some brands of surgical mesh. Complications due to faulty hernia mesh can include:


Chronic pain


Bowel obstruction

Hernia recurrence

Mesh shrinkage and migration

Organ perforation

Pursuing a hernia mesh lawsuit is one of the most effective methods of holding negligent companies accountable for placing profits over consumer safety.

If you or someone you love experienced hernia mesh complications, including the need for additional surgery to address these complications, please fill out the form above for a free case review from a lawyer in our network. You may be eligible to receive significant compensation under theories of product liability, citing defective design, manufacturing defect, or failure to warn.